DevOps for Executives Seminar
DevOps for Executives Seminar

DevOps for Executives Seminar

The DevOps landscape for building and automating public cloud infrastructure, can be confusing. Several tools seem to do both, provisioning as well as Configuration management. Learn everything from the basics to the advanced features of  Devops in this DevOps for Executives Seminar.

  1. GIT, Github, Gitlab, Gitops
  2. Jenkins, Puppet, Chef
  3. Nagios
  4. Docker containers for rapid testing environment to test the build features
  5. Azure Devops, GCP Devops, AWS Devops
  6. ….

Evolution of DevOps

Before companies turned to DevOps, IT delivery was driven by sequential provisioning time. The Dev team had to wait for a server. Once handed off  to testers, everyone had to wait for the testers to come back with results. Finally, the product was ready for release, but now the team would have to wait for the final go/no-go decision.

In DevOps and automated CI/CD pipelines (where CD is an acronym for Continuous Delivery), the waiting time is reduced or eliminated.

Everything has become code. Automation of infrastructure, configuration, and deployment of software is the core of DevOps. Only by using automation can a company speed up delivery to periods of weeks, days, or even hours.

Schedule your DevOps for Executives Seminar Today